Whiskey'd and Uncensored

Crazy Sex Laws that Actually Exist (Guest: Sheena Gray)

Eddie Lopez / Sheena Gray Season 1 Episode 30

Today we get to chatting about some of the craziest sex laws around the country, you'd be shocked at some of the laws. Its also a fun way to see how many laws you have broken sexually and didn't even know....

Anal and Oral, yeah don't do to Alabama
Oral Illegal in Florida.....to hell with that!

Hope you guys enjoy this fun episode, how many felonies are you catching?!?!

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You can't you can't be a pimp y'all you cannot be a pimp in Kansas take you home to work. Take your whole workday is illegal to work take your whole workday, it is illegal What's going on everybody. Welcome back to another episode of whiskey and uncensored where my name is Eddie Lopez. And I'm going to be the host of this debauchery, where we discuss sex, sex trends, her relationships, and anything crazy in life, all while drinking whiskey. Today's whiskey of choice is the old forester. And my guest today is on the basic stuff she was on before. club soda, cranberry and vodka, basic white girl. Anyways, we have machina with me today in our remote location here in the dining room, while the current podcast room will be under construction for some period of time until those floors get put down over until I can at least go and order some flooring. So how are you doing today? Ma'am? I'm doing well. You're doing better than me, because it's been a shitty football weekend. And it's not looking good for my fantasy football either. Florida State lost, unfortunately, the Packers lost in London. And I think I'm losing pretty heavily in fantasy. So it's a bad fucking weekend. Rough day. It is a rough day. But anyways, today's topic is something I've been wanting to do for a few episodes now. And I've made mention of it a couple of times, even when we had Danny in the studio. But I'm finally getting around to a and we finally discuss to see how much some of us are degenerates felons in multiple states. Today's topic of conversation guys, crazy sex laws that are still around that you just don't believe exist. So before we even get started in the list, what kind of laws do you think you have broken in any state possible? What laws so I think I've broken Yeah, do you mean, I've reviewed some of the things that I have broken? Quite a few laws. So do you think there are currently any warrants out for your arrest right now, for some of this shit, because taking a look at the list, you know, as a preview here, obviously, there's some shit that people are not going to believe when we go through this list. And I'm pretty sure a lot of folks probably be in jail right now. They're pretty shocking. They're very shocking. I would say they're normal activity. normal activities. I don't know, some of this stuff isn't normal activities, but some of them will be a little on the crazy side. But you know what with with that, let's, uh, let's go ahead and jump into this because there are quite a few. And I'm sure this is going to cause some interesting conversations even not necessarily just here, but for a few of our listeners. The first one we have on our list, a person cannot have more than to deal with those in his or her house in Arizona. So, I mean, that might not necessarily be the plastic toy and your boyfriend or your husband to plastic toys. So you can't have to deal with those. I mean, if if you have to deal with what are you a sloth? Are you just a felon? You just need variety for it. I don't know maybe maybe I should have had this conversation with the fellows from the daily BM maybe. Maybe Brad probably has a few do those himself. I'm pretty sure that some of fierce himself are. Well, he keeps complaining that he's married so he's not getting it. So maybe he's a yes. Is Bilodeau collection stocked up. We love you bread Okay, Washington DC allows us people to have sex in only one position. A missionary. So I'll tell you right now. I have broken that law in Washington DC. I have broken that law. In a church WHAT THE FUCK In the church, I mean, I've done some stupid shit. I have done some fucked up shit. But I would not even attempt to shit and have sex in the church woman. You might go ahead drink some more. Let's see what else is coming out of his mouth. I mean, you literally had sex in a church. Was it with one of the officiant was it a priest? Or was it with just another with my boyfriend at the time? Oh, he going to hell? And so are you, ma'am? Doing this shit in the house of Lord Welch was a missionary. So are you on his lap? Would you sit on the lap? Where are you? Where are you on your knees praying? And he was saying, Oh, Jesus. Me What? What exactly was happening here in this church? I mean, you might say something because you brought it up saying that? Yes. You broke that law in DC. And it wasn't missionary? No. So what would it be? Wait. Yeah, I missed out from behind. When I'm trying to get it began somewhere that you shouldn't be. Was church and session? No, no. Oh, okay. No, still is the fact that you're having sex in church. Actually. funny that you say that? I think the last episode with the daily BM. Brad was talking about the same thing having sex in church or actually on a canoe. He was oh, he was canoeing with somebody trying to be a hero. Get his quickie on or whatever. You fuckers. You fuckers are going to hell how to elevate it. Because you're gonna hell we're having sex in a church function. Dear God. That's probably what you're saying. Dear God. Fucking delinquents. All right, so let's move on to the next one. A man is not allowed to kiss his wife's breast in Florida. Again. That's law number two. I'm actually new. I'm gonna start keeping track as I'm going through this. How many laws are broken so far? That's two so far. I've never been in mom, not a man. But I've also never been married in Florida. So. All right. Well, that's fair enough. But yes, man is not a lot of kisses wife's breasts in Florida. It's a damn shame. Do you think anything would go on Florida? Floor in Florida. Probably got some of the weirdest fucking laws. But going through this list here, though. I've seen some other states are like Damn. Yeah, like, that's fine. You can't sleep nekkid with your partner in Minnesota. You can't sleep naked. With your partner. A miss so we're having dry humping sex, Minnesota. And new those fuckers are weird up there. Right? Interesting. In Michigan couples cannot have sex in a vehicle unless it is parked on a property owned by them. So here's my take on this one. I don't I don't see a problem with that. Because obviously you're on your own land. So then why would it even be considered against the law? But I guess if you're going to the local part, to obviously that show, we just watched that. Apparently a lot of the fantasies are having sex in the park cars. And what was the other one? There was a third one. But I don't know man. I don't know why this one is still considered against the law. If you're having sex in a car, because people can see you having sets. Maybe they don't want if you do it at night, it's not as it's not a big deal. I mean, just keep the dirt or unless you're outside of the car. If you're on top of the car outside, you know, then I can see a problem. Would you say get excited with that one never. Never had a certain type of a car. I'm asking you have I? Yeah, I let me know not on top of it. But like against I've had it against the carpet now. I'd say I'd be too scared to put a fucking dent on top of my hood against a car. But I ain't trying to put a damn dent in my hood. Just for some ass but I don't know unless the Ask was really worth it. I mean, but not when you're young. Alright, next one. It is illegal to have sex with a porcupine in Florida guys. I mean, it's bad enough that you're not supposed to molest alligators but apparently people are out here having sex with porcupines right I had to have happen for it to be Oh absolutely. Somebody had to get their luck and dig poked or something. Uh, yeah, just go to the ER. Excuse me, ma'am. I need to get this fucking porcupines quill my dick. I got stuck or maybe it's in the nuts and it's really heavily and a lot of blood coming out but then do some stupid chat we we do do some stupid shit but women are not too far behind. I'll let you know that right now we are not far behind. Okay? A man cannot be sexually aroused in public, according to this bizarre law in Indiana. So what do you deal with? Uh, you better hope you got pockets. You can just kind of put your hand over it or something to hold it down. You just put it on walking around with a boner. That's more noticeable. putting your hand in the pocket if you play a joke if you play a joke cool. I mean you can get away with it. But you're not Joe Cool if you're in public. Hard on the maybe. Maybe you're in a bar hot chick walks behind a red dress he she just turned yawn aroused him. Maybe she had benefit of being a woman. This is true. Unless you're soaking wet and you see water dripping down your leg then how you play that went off. He spilled your drink. Yep I don't know but that one but okay. But ya know, I mean yeah, you can kind of share it with your fans. You know just then what Robin then you got to dry it off on your dress. That's kind of a Simon would be like fucking water fountain. If you were skirting the just gonna be dripping down right so moving on if you have a mustache fellas, you cannot kiss a woman in public in Iowa. Damn. So all you cowboys out there with a mustaches? You have broken some laws because law it is illegal to have oral sex in Florida. Let me read that again. It is considered illegal to have oral sex in Florida. Can you imagine if like all females knew that? I'm sorry, I can't take your day. Pay legal. That'd be a problem. Yeah, we'd have a serious problem. Because we've all heard of my many multiple podcasts that I do. Love some roadheader. So obviously, I know road headed is even I mean, what kind of consequences can you get from road head? I'm curious public indecency. I mean, look away. Look away. Don't fucking look. I mean. Yeah, I mean, it's Amen. private vehicle. Why aren't why is that in decent shape? I'm okay with it. If you want to watch that's on you. If you can't look away, there's other factors. You're too modest. No, but, again, we're all felons, because we all have had some oral sex. Like there's grown adults that have not had oral sex. Grown adults. Grown adults not having oral says, I don't know that would be I hope not, I hope at least by the time anyone hits 21 Even the Duggars like very religious people. Now they're getting their dicks up. So somebody's getting sucked off. And it's no, no. Okay, but I would I would at least hope by the time you're at least 21 And you're drinking going through college experimenting that somebody or at least anyone has experienced at least oral sex once just to see if you like it or not. You have the experience I mean, if you don't if you don't like it then what? Okay, you can no you have to experience more than once. That's why you got experienced more than one did that's how you get practice more than one mouth boo cocky now, I mean you say experiment. I mean that's that's kind of like sex right? I mean, you just you got after they jerk off on you and stuff you just gotta know let me let me finish you can at least be considered to finish and clean them off going around a second each one nice and clean. Anyways so back to finish off that topic oral sex is considered illegal in Florida so guys don't go to jail or girls or girls I guess it goes both ways this is true but you when you hear oral sex the your your first initial thought is for guy getting hit or something like that right so the chicks giving it that means going to jail to the Utah allows having sex with animals but only for money Desperate times call for desperate measures so hold on I would have expected something like this in Alabama or Louisiana but fucking Utah you can go have you can go have sex with your horse you know what though? I wonder if porn stars will actually go out there and have sex with the horses you know like they do in Mexico I mean shit they're doing the math we get paid for it that they were doing donkeys that Mexico donkeys horses almost the same book thing, right. So you same family, same family of animals. Kinda sorta. I know. Is your ship the same after that way? Why? I don't know. I don't know. Why not? Would you try to fuck it animal now? Any animal even it's gotten the and that's like an animal. But even but even if you've got the the massive, long slung. 13 inches was soft. No. You ain't never seen a horse down just I know. But why would you want us? I'm just saying 13 inches soft. Just imagine what that means does when it gets hard. Now just like my organs and tap. Well, who doesn't like the Oregon Trail? How to destroy and fill we're trying to destroy these things. Oh, or how about Alabama? Alabama doesn't allow for his people to buy sex toys. Yeah fuck that place. You enjoy your sex toys? Tell tells which is your favorite sex toy? How about I don't? Let's let's let's hear it. Let's let's give us a six two way that you primarily enjoy what's one of your favorites now it's name you don't know his name. Oh, no vibrating thing for my clip just a little vibrator. Okay like a rabbit type do just the little I have no idea what it is just the vibe. Okay, we'll go to vibrate was funny because if you want to find these sex toys, you can go to the affiliate partner pink cherry.com The pink cherry.com You can find all of your sex toys of your interest that will spark your interest. Try them all. Try them all. Sex toys, lubes lingerie, whatever you guys are into. Go check out pink. cherry.com Get yourself tight. Bondage. There you go. That's, that's the fun thing right now. Some whips and vloggers some writing crops. Being today calm guys in Oregon, cursing while having sex is a criminal offense. I can't go to Oregon. So there's another law broken right there. Who doesn't cuss? They're things that I mean, like what else do you say? Yes. Yes. Harder. Faster. Deep. Sorry. I'm sorry. Okay. So if your chick is repeatedly saying Harder, harder harder, it means you can't fill anything. There's an issue. Like five give me something is that true? I just thought maybe she would just be like, enjoying the intensity and just want to continue just to be pound good. You know, pounds down like but so you're saying that if you tell a man fucking harder is not because you just enjoy the rough sex is because your dick is not doing fuck me harder is different than like, harder harder harder harder. Is are two different statements. Okay, interesting. Good to know. Pro Tip of the Day fellas. If you're hearing Harder, harder harder. And your game now just walk away. Fake the orgasm and just be done with his shit. Just walk away. You're done. You're gonna be the gossip for the next couple of weeks. You're not gonna be the good talk of the town. You're going to be the man that can't get it done. So walk away if you hear harder harder harder. The next one here in Bakersfield California. States that one has to wear a condom. Wow having sex with Satan so let me think about this. It is so Bakersfield California apparently someone in California. So is that would that just be when you're upset? Which will mean you need to basically call or devil woman I mean, she's saying at this point. I mean, obviously I have a someone had to be classified essays so hmm. Again, maybe it was maybe it was an incident in where a Halloween party and she was in in a in a devil outfit. So she was or he was she was you know if he's having sex with Satan. Right? I'm thinking he's saying because he's got to wear a condom. Satan's a man. Okay, so I can't say it'll be a woman like why does it say woman one has to wear a condom. Okay, well it's very confusing every bit of that. I just want to know how they determined saying like fucking the devil here. Obviously they didn't want to give little devil children that's what they're trying to prevent here. They're trying to prevent having no that's what that's called Kids. A little devils. Yeah, little devils. Fucking kids. Little devil, which we're trying to prevent y'all Ah, let's see We're going down this list. A man, a man cannot have sexual intercourse with a live fish in Minnesota. That's just too weird ones for Minnesota now. A man cannot have sexual intercourse with a live fish in Minnesota and see where that's coming from some dude was like what? Liquid fish is moving its mouth. Oh, I bet that's gonna feel good. So there was out there ice fishing. got lonely in Minnesota. Yeah, do ice fish in Minnesota. get lonely. Saw that night. I bet he just saw fish. Like pucker up like you know what? I've been out in this water for a good minute, you know, here fishing. See how that shit feels? I wonder wonder this fish looks better than my wife. It is why so I can't take your debt because we live in Florida and it's fucking illegal. I guess you get your fish. So get the blow jobs in Minnesota and just come to Florida and get the fish section tick. Yeah, if you that's what you want. Yeah. All right. Wow. In Illinois, oh Blanc, Illinois. You cannot make love to your partner. Well fishing or hunting. I mean, do you do Y's normally go with their partner anyways, when there's when they're hunting or fishing? Relationships? Yeah. Really? Um, I mean, I've never been I was told I won't be able to shut up long enough so to shake because I don't think there is a woman that can actually be quiet longer than what a woman that I really I will see I'm not I'm not into the hunting and I'm not I mean, I'll go fishing but I don't really know much about fishing. And my buddies will always give me a hard time because I've always used to wear the gloves if I go fishing. I just hate the I just hate the way fish feels in your hand so whatever. And you don't even eat fish and I don't eat fish so it's nice for you to fail it was it was fun when it's one would to actually catch a fish and is let the release it but the just the fight of it itself was always interesting. just catching not fishing, catching. Sure. But yeah, I for the most part, the only thing I could probably identify would be sharks, stingrays, drum, fish, snow, and that's about it. You know? Napper redfish. Seen Lee? I've seen lady Jackson. I've seen it's never but I'm saying the more the more mainstream stuff I can identify. But there's been some fish that I looked at that a fish stuck your neck? Fuck no. Oh, no. Look, if I'm not gonna put a fish in my hands without touching it. I'm not gonna add that bit even on my deck even close to my dig in possible. This one's interesting. You can not get involved in any sexual activity if the lights of the room are on in Virginia. So you got to have sex in the dark all the time. So you can be skinny or fat and not have to worry about it. Don't worry about that shit. Don't worry about what my body looks like. What's it called the FUPA Oh, that's that's just a horrible visual right now. Just yeah, I mean, I guess I guess it'll work right? I mean, if you if you're not seeing it, you know, as long as you can feel with the moisture in the areas that you found the hole. Yeah, so yeah. You just put the worst fucking visual in my head now. FUPA but then again, it won't be a visual if it's dark. So. Anyway, moving on, moving on. Anyway, now. In Alabama, anal and oral sex is illegal between unmarried people. So you guys gotta get hitched up guys in Alabama. y'all out there. doing all the wrong deeds must be married. If not Popo coming for you. anal and oral. I wonder how many married couples are out there. Wonder how many married couples are having? Anal sex? I mean, are you down for some 806 I mean you brought it up you down for somebody to say hey, keep on drinking here. Cups almost almost empty. We're gonna go ahead and refill you have How are you feeling? Loosen the booty. So anal in oral sex guys in Alabama is the The legal what the Columbia mothers have to literally watch their daughters lose their virginity. I mean, you mean why? What the fuck are you? Back with us? Yeah, makes you just got to make sure you're having safe sex. Maybe she's wanting to make sure that it's done properly and her daughter's not gonna get fucking pregnant. I don't. Yeah, I don't know. It is kind of weird, but maybe like the voyeurism. I don't know it's you know, voyeurism is a thing. So meta loss of words. No. I mean, you just know. So now, now. Now. You're about to ask me. Fucking No, no. No, you. Okay? All right. In Arkansas, spouses can sue if their partner gets an abortion without their consent. Like, I don't know what they're going to sue for. But right, we're all about equal rights and all that right? Not according to what Congress has just passed. So to che, say I get pregnant by somebody and I'm like, oh, fuck that shit. And I deal with it. Now that person my oh, by the way, bla bla bla bla bla. Yeah, it's a pretty fucked up situation, right? They're talking about their spouses. They're saying that if you're married, it's a marry. It's a yes. If not, if you're married and your spouse decides they want to abort that kid, they can sue your ass. Yeah, that makes it really sticky. You're married? Yeah. Well, I mean, you should have nice to see to have the communication, right. I mean, yeah, talk with your partner. They get sued on that. I don't know what they're gonna see you for but yeah, that's crazy. In California stuffed articles made to look like breast. Also known as boob pillows cannot be sold within 1000 feet of the highway. Somebody would sell it off on the side of the road and they're like, No. Fuck selling newspapers down the down the strip. We're gonna sell you a fake titties. and stuff. I mean, well, this is the new this is the new trend guys. What is it for you got to like? I mean, the pillow in between? Oh, no, no, no stuffed articles made to look. So oh, you know, I'm sorry. I read that wrong on the pillow that oh, you know I I read that completely wrong. What I was thinking was Okay, so right so maybe a breast was I was thinking that their articles to stuff your bra to make it look like breast. Okay, I read that completely wrong. So it's up to the cylinder as a pillow to Yeah. Instead of a flashlight. What wouldn't it look like those almost the neck pillows that you were in the airlines in? Look like tip? I mean, you can you can you can even fucking neck pillows. I mean, technically your head is going in and out a neck pillow back and forth. I mean, you got a lot of turbulence kicking. I've never had my neck go in and out of my fellow say you got a lot of bouncing back and forth like you'd be given hit or something. You know, that's why I have my neck pillows. My head bouncing around the last time I was on the plane. I forgot my neck pillow. You know? I'm not a fan of those. To me they feel I feel like they're just uncomfortable. And now mostly, I ended up with a stiff neck though if I have those for some reason. It just didn't get that because your nights and days for a while. It's the last time I was on a plane. I felt like my love interest is like since we took off I didn't want to talk to people beside me now I felt my head bobbing the whole time. No. Are you one of those that snore on a plane? I don't know if I'm asleep there's a possibility. See? I know I would because I I've woke myself up from snoring and it's the it's the worst thing because like oh shit, you know and then you like how long how long was that out snore? You know? I'd be that asshole on a two hour three hour flight snoring for have to pick and trip. I can't have been snoring that trip because my head cut bobbin I just kind of know why your head's just bobbing though. You don't have you don't have strong neck muscles. You might need to do some more. Playing you might need to do some more. Practicing in the church session. Go back to Florida. well just say, go back and practice. Tighten up the neck muscles. In Georgia, anal and oral sex are prohibited regardless of a marital status. So knows no, or in Georgia, they go on by the Bible. You know, I just don't want to get it like some of these. I want to know exactly when some of these laws were implemented. And if they were they if they'd been forgotten and it just so long ago that these things when all this stuff was so very, very taboo, you know, and they just were left them. And I think we can take into consideration that these paths are old, right? So obviously, these all these new young lawmakers are coming in, aren't reading this old stuff, and gonna realize like, oh, shit, this is still in existence in our state. Right? Let's get this abolished out of here. There's some work for you right there your internship, go find a law that is obscure that we can get rid of that's part of your internship right there. Go find some old shit that we can no longer we don't know. No longer knee. Let's let's thin up somebody's fucking stupid laws, or just laws in general. This one's weird. So in Washington, you may never have sex with a virgin. Not even on your wedding night. So everybody in Washington that was born there or burden? So have you been to this law? So marry you a slut, basically. And you're okay. Sure, sure. Yeah, that's it the way around it. Maybe you slept? So? Is she wearing white and our wedding day then? Who is pure by their wedding day anyways? Let me you still can you still wear why? If you're on pure by the person you're marrying, in traditional laws, you're supposed to be pure until married. That's why you were white. No matter what, let's say you don't know that there's better the chances you take, you know, if you follow traditional laws as the chances you take at least your date, and you're going to marry somebody that you actually like it could be the countries that are actually doing scheduled as he roaming around here something playing his head. Dog. That's it. That's illegal dog. Isn't that's not illegal, that is not legal in this state. Anyways, but arranged marriages will look different to all these students that are arranged marriage, that shit still happens, oh, in a very, like, obscure way around here. I'm sure. In Idaho, unmarried sex can result in a $300 Fine, or six months in jail. So again, again, with that is a hefty bill. But again, these are some just like what I was mentioned, and why did they know? Oh, I'm pretty sure that these some of these are not in heavily enforced, or again, these are so old that somebody forgot and you know, that's it. But this list probably came up because somebody got bored probably will look for some crazy sex law or, or just crazy laws itself. And they just kind of randomly put this list together or all these lists. But again, this is something that interns should go through and revamp a lot these old laws and see if they can push these things in, you know, when they're like, Well, we had nothing to do push these old last year and get them removed. So at least let the folks in Idaho busting up without getting fucking jail time for six months not being married because you know, you're just trying to swipe on Tinder, you know, all those fines to look, I wonder if Tinder will cover these fines? If they're having sex in Idaho, that's $75 a year covers. I'm just I'm just saying I wonder if Tinder will be I wonder if it's in the like, not bylaws, but whatever the fuck I'm sure you sign something or whatever, where or agreed to something. I'm sure there's fine print somewhere on Tinder that any of us that have been on Tinder have agreed to Well, I wonder if that looks up. But and you probably don't know. That's why I'm saying I'm wondering if there's something in there about hey, if you give me sex. You can go do that research. If you want to do that research. It is illegal to knowingly drive a prostitute to their sex work in Kansas. Well, that makes sense. You Can't you can't be a pimp, y'all you cannot be a pimp in Kansas and take you home to work. Take your whole workday is illegal. Like your home to work, take your home to work day. It is illegal. So in Missouri, hey, they have tragically pan sideboob and underboob in public. That's really unfair, like, what are you going to do? I mean, you know, it's fair for the small cup girls that don't have the side boob or underboob. I mean, if you can still be small cup and hand side Boober underboob. Let me know what you're wearing. I mean, I don't fit just fine. If I wear a tank top looks like I have a side boost. So I mean, yeah, let's banish chaos. For guys. I don't know. But oh, no, no, this is like a legit law. This used to be a thing. So when Nebraska, which is funny, that's my daughter's Melanie. But no one who is afflicted with a venereal disease is legally allowed to marry. But that used to be a legit thing you had to get tested before you to get marry. Okay? Because everybody was supposed to be for convergence. Well, and we know that's not happening. So you're supposed to get tested for STDs before you got married. So I guess that's still in place and Nebraska. Makes sense, though, right. Like, are you fucking dirty? I mean, the thing is, you probably been talking for a while for marriage. I mean, you just you just got lucky enough not to catch anything at that point, you know? Yeah, I've all started with that. Folks, all you guys who enjoy going to football games or any sporting event and like to rush to field or maybe win a bet on something? It is totally legal in Louisiana to streak as long as it isn't done with love vicious intent. So, streak all you want to share not jacking off. You can straight Yeah. So streak all you want, you're not going to jail. So out there and LSU the next win streak across the fields. Go for it. In Maryland. Condoms cannot be sold in vending machines except in places where liquor is sold. Have you ever seen a condom vending machine anywhere outside of where liquors sold? Yeah, yeah, hell yeah. They have a men's bathrooms. You go to a where? In a bar where liquor is sold? Because it's a bar. Okay, so well it in to Shea know, I have seen them in in grocery stores. They have, you know, inside little bathrooms. I can't say strip clubs because then strip club has liquor. So yeah. I mean, in Florida, our grocery stores typically have a liquor store attached. Okay, well, whatever. So just make sure you're trying to be safe Goddamnit you're gonna get drunk you're probably gonna do some stupid shit. You know? I can't you're not gonna pull out who pulls out when you're drunk? who pulls out? Why pull out not guys pull out if you're if you're not fixed, if you can't pull out because your partner can see you in one of those states. You shouldn't be wearing a condom right? So you don't get anything where true or rub one out before you have sex in the chamber is empty. And that's bad. horrible advice that is fair to show has never been said to give proper advice. Or by just saying which when you look at it as got you laughing here No, I've just my mind is going with what you fucking said. That this poor check for the bars like must be Whiskey. Whiskey dick is a real thing now. The fuck it is Yeah, real shit. You drink enough of it, but it ain't worth it. Right? I mean, but you can sometimes get that whiskey strong and next thing you know that damn dick is not going down anytime soon. And it's just gonna be the Energizer Bunny just going and going and going Mix that with the little blue pill, and a few toys from Pink cherry.com And you're gonna have a great night or day or day or day however you like having sex go for it. seducing an unmarried woman is a felony with punishment up to five years in jail in Michigan. So fellas, if you're single, don't fuck with the married women. You're asked can go to jail. So don't worry about the husband whooping your ass. Your ass is going to be getting whipped into jail cell with with Tyrone and Bubba they will be seducing us so yes, stay away from what? Oh, you know what I fuck? I'd read that wrong again. It is seducing an unmarried woman. So yeah. Not married. Fuck. So you can't hit on you can't seduce a single woman. No Tim. I'm was how much drinking are you? Okay? Maybe Maybe I need to refill this up. Just maybe read the ship properly again. Let's let's let's try that one more time. Let's do seeing an unmarried woman so fellas the total fucking seduce go to the go to the married women's. Forget what I said. You gotta go to a married woman and try to seduce that bitch because you just deal with the husband at that point. I mean, let me refill my cup here. I can shit. Cuz I'm not reading right. Apparently. My name is Sheena. I won't be the host because I know how to read. Fuck off. me drinking too much tonight. Yes. All right. So in New York, adult businesses must devote no more than 40% of their square footage to adult entertainment. So what do they do with the other 60%? Sure, so that one more time. Adult businesses Okay. must devote no more than 40% of their square footage to adult entertainment. I don't know why I'm having problems understanding that law. So you got to build a New York. Only 40% of it. Right can be for adult entertainment. There you go. Good job. Okay, so what did they do with the other 60%? I guess the bar bathrooms. But is it a strip club? I mean, oh, I guess that's from my mind when Yeah, I mean, that doesn't you could be an adult bookstore. But if it's only 40% But what's considered the entertainment part is x etc. Now you see why I was having problems understanding that fucking law. They're like, Wait, I'm confused. So but maybe a waiting area? I don't know. Put a lobby out there. I come here for show on my hometown. All right, what's the backwoods got? Given my married name, this is kind of funny. There is a real city called horny town. And massage parlors are illegal there. Oh, isn't that funny? very ironic. No Robins hugs and horny horn out Carolina? Yeah. Is this spelt like H Orny or HRNY or HORNEAY or E one? Because H O R in E is just born no book that is or II know that's that was just mainstream media to make you think that just horn known as horn II now the last name is Warren. Anyways moving on. Grabbing someone's ass is not considered sexual assault in Minnesota. Very nice. All as grabbing out there guys but apparently there's Astrid on this debt lawmakers are trying to change so apparently it's happened but as of right now, grab that as have a new better only thing only thing Minnesota has done right right now that's, you know, spot on go grab that as take charge. If you get if you get smacked you get smacked. You shot your shot. Oh nm men need to get better reading signals. I mean, I would say men over 40 are table reading signals. Just think I don't over 40 Men like 38 and younger socket writing signals. Well, it's also a different. I don't know. Men are different. All right, in Fargo, North Dakota, skinny dipping in the Red River is E legal. Just only between 8am and 9pm. So, go from 901 to 759. You guys are good to go. I mean, I mean, sorry. Why not? I mean, the river cannot be warm. So it's not like it's going to entice or help anybody really? Or any man waters probably freezing cold in North Dakota. But don't you just want to say the check naked? Naked? Naked. We definitely want to see some chicks naked. But But Jake gonna see him at nine o'clock at night. So it's I mean, yeah, I stopped working Fuck yeah, you know, your vision is not perfect at nine o'clock at night. You're not going to see exactly. You're not gonna see a hot chick across because you're not I mean, it's like a full moon. And I mean, you might see a silhouette, but you ain't gonna see the detail that not sexy silhouette. Not all of them. I mean, no. Say no. I want to see details because you might see a sexy silhouette. And you walk up to that shit. Like beer goggles, and it's everything is a butterface you know, everything was good, but that face so, motherfucker. I've been catfished from a silhouette. So in Ohio, it is illegal for a stripper to touch a patron. And it says here quote stormy Daniels was arrested for just just last month. Was it Donald Trump? Was Trump arrested in Ohio? We don't get it. So there's no love for the stripper to touch the Patriot right? It doesn't say that. It's a legal for the patron to touch. But no, but what I'm saying is, you know her relations with Donald Trump. So I'm like, but so there's no LapBand said that's what we're saying. There's no lap dances. You can't touch a patient. A lap dances a page. So what are you going to the strip club for? You know, what are you going to strip clubs for? And if they can't touch you? Oh, but in the main area, the strip club. You're not getting lap dances? Well, I mean, you are but I mean, they're dancing. Like it's sad to say you can't touch them. But a stripper is also going to come to you engage in conversation and try to they're going to come sit on your lap talk to you and try to get to today's they're going to write they're going to come up to you and say hey, are you interested in going to the back room is, you know, me and my friend? Me my friends. Oh, good news here. So yeah, so it's almost pointless to have strip clubs in Ohio. Yeah. I mean, it's almost as pointless as having the six foot rule at one point, Florida. I don't even know Florida still has that rule. The six foot rule. Here. No, we don't play by those rules. I'm telling you there was Tampa was getting hit hard and they were getting rated. Yeah, six foot rules. If you kind of Kanaan over on my side, just saying. I don't know the rule is still intact. The six foot rule, or if it is, it is not enforced, like probably half of these fucking laws in stores are in a strip club in the strip club. Wow. You could you could not there used to be when it was being Darren COVID. No. This was a couple years ago, they actually were putting up those like caution tape sounds like you could not get so far within the stage. So you're literally just going there to watch her dance. Pretty much. Yeah, that sounds and if you were getting the lap dance, the stripper and the patron was going to jail. Yeah, we'll have to look that up. It was it was a couple of years ago. And it was it got bad. Somebody who was bitter about something I can't remember the entire story. No, it was it had to do with some some lawmakers were going after some of the the champion King ping the kingpins out there and strip clubs and it just it was a big thing. But yeah, it was the six foot rule came into effect. And yeah, like I said, I don't even know if it's even remotely enforced anymore, but it was it was retarded. So again, stupid rules that should never be in place. Split you know, people that are put in power for certain things will come and make up stupid fucking rules. All right, in South Carolina, it is illegal to seduce someone using the promise of marriage. So don't give them false hope. If I mean if I give you this good dig if I keep it is good day will you marry me? I'll give you good they can take you down so good, then I'm gonna marry you. I promise. I promise. You let me hit it. I will marry yo ass. Let me let me convey that as that oh, and I will marry you. Just Just a tip. Let's see. I'm just scrolling through some here. We're about to wrap this up because like I said, we just wanted to get through some of these crazy ass laws that should be a completely like a Texas. What's up with Texas? Anyone who has six or more obscene devices, quotes, dildos is presumed to possess them with intent to promote or promoting obscenity is E legal. So we're slinging builders is what we're saying. I got so we got AL It was Alabama that you couldn't have two more deltas, right? Texas, you can't have at least six or more without presuming intent. I mean, do you really need more than six? So those are you doing sticking on to the wall? And just I mean, the district your own gang bang, they, right? They do stick to the window. So you can do a show. I mean, if you have flat walls, I'll stick to the wall. I'm pretty sure just somebody would have only fans that is out there right now. Doing a hell of a show with a concoction of dodos just in a room. Just I wonder if the Netflix series How to build a sex room? They do. And you were in syntaxes series index everywhere. And I don't remember if there was I don't remember. I know there was one in Florida, but I don't remember one in Texas. Well, I'm pretty sure that the show, if they were doing their research like this, they wouldn't be promoting the house on the show. Right? Right. All right. We'll do. Let's do one or two more here. Before we wrap this up. In Washington, strippers are not legally allowed to wear devices, which stimulate pubic hair. The fuck stimulates pubic hair? I mean, it's a vibrator. It'll stimulate. But who has pubic hair anymore? So Well, I mean, you still have it just because you shave it or wax it you still have it? Like that's a fucking continuous but they'll get that shit laser. That is a thing, right? Laser hair removal. It won't be a continuous thing. So you're sure? Yeah, but I guess we'll have to follow up on this one because I don't know what would stimulate pubic hair. And of course, of course, it's something to do with strippers. So now I think I need to go to a strip club. It's been a long time. So they've been a strip club, and maybe you can ask any strippers out there. I'm sure they don't. You want to go find out? Let's go. Let's go find out. See what the strippers know about stimulating some pubic hair. Like, excuse me. Can you come within six? Yeah. All right. So, the last one here. We'll get ready to wrap this up guys in Wisconsin, in Connersville Wisconsin. This is all this is all America right here. Merica it is illegal for a man to fire a gun while his partner is climaxing can't make this up guys you cannot get all excited like yeah, I made my bitch come I mean I felt really disappointed in America. I'm always 40 years old and the amount of good ol boys I bandwidth nobody's ever fired again when I got off. Like I've been robbed. So many good old boys you've been with I mean, you brought it up all the good old boys I've been wearing I'm from China go North Carolina. Population 1000 Excuse me 330 3000 Oh shit. So 1500 or more get a little boys. So let's go to fit the utmost anyway, fearsome good old boys down here in Florida 1500 But, yeah, so if you are out there in Connersville Wisconsin, keep getting up good and your parents yell while your partner's climax and but then again who the hell is having a gun beside their bed when they're banging their woman? Could be I mean, what do you mean what I mean? The average man, or maybe not the average maybe my average man has a gun by their bed. I mean, I had her in their side door or whatever. Well, I have a gun in my side or like I have a gun behind the headboard but I'm not it's not in my vicinity we're start shooting it through the roof. When I'm fucking having sex that's just retarded like obviously somebody here and by the bonfire like yeah, you're strapped up. But literally strap it with your gun. smashing the chick I mean, shouldn't you be butt naked? Why wouldn't you have a pocket? If you were naked? There's no pockets you just pull your pants down sir fucking her. Okay with with wow. Oh, man. All right, with that we're gonna go ahead and wrap it up. Hopefully you guys enjoyed this wild and weird these crazy sex laws that are actually still in effect. And again, I feel that interns are probably go through this if they're trying to get into law. This is something that law schools probably need to, you know, provide assignments for help reduce obscure, retarded laws. So anyways, with that, guys, we hope you guys enjoy. And as always, you can follow us on our socials, Facebook, Instagram and whiskey and uncensored onto Twitter. It is whiskey sensor. You can also find videos on YouTube, whiskey and uncensored our website whiskey and uncensored.com and again, make sure you go and check out our merch page. And we will soon have and I will be updating all the new recent affiliates, pink cherry.com any links to any of the sex toys that you may be interested in? Go out and check them out. Make a purchase. Help your crew out here. And as always, continue drinking your whiskies and enjoy your life. Are out guys

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