Whiskey'd and Uncensored

Things we did in the beginning and no longer do. (Guest: Miguel Lopez)

Eddie Lopez / Miguel Lopez Season 1 Episode 34

In this episode, my brother Miguel comes thru and we get to talking about things we did or that any guy does at the beginning of a relationship and no longer do anymore, and then, of course, we get sidetracked with various convos. Including People you never wanted to see naked, Places that tingle (spoiler alert, he wore a cock ring wrong), yeah these topics shouldn't shock you by now!

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What's going on everybody? Welcome back to another episode of whiskey and uncensored. My name is Eddie Lopez, and I'm going to be the host of this debauchery where we discuss sex, sex trends, relationship type shit, and everyday type shit. Of course, all while drinking whiskey and sometimes beer, water or whatever else my guests happened to be on. But today myself, I am on the Glenlivet 15 I decided to go a little less Scott today. Just feeling the scotch and my guest today brought back my brother. He is on the slip. Was it the Sam Adams? What are we drinking the Sam Adams summer ale. The Beer Guy, which is actually is not a very bad beer. That's a very light crisp taste beer for I think it's a wheat beer too. So anyways, we're gonna kick it off with How're you doing, sir? Not so bad. Hanging in there. How was your Halloween? That was good past to have a lot of candy. That a lot of promoting but the kids liked it. What do you mean a lot of promoting that was actually passing out flyers and cups and oh, so the kids and the parents. So instead of giving them candy you're giving them fucking cups and business cards? Yes. Definitely, definitely changed up the you know, the theme of Halloween man them kids come talk and given them the other kids sign. Don't go to that house thought that house is gonna get a cup of business cards. Did you at least give them candy though? Or I gave them candy in the cups. Oh, okay. Yeah, there was candy in the cups and stuff like that. And what you just saw this car, find it all weird. It was better than going to a dentist house. You know, I mean, two brushes. Yeah. What you should have did was to be smart about it. Go ahead and pour a beer inside the cup and hand out the cups with beer for the parents that were coming by. We were actually handing out beer. Oh, so y'all were hanging out? Yeah, you should have put in the cup and admitted. Oh, we're just handing the parents the beer. Because the kid was grabbed with cups with the candy and everything in it. So I had cones and pens in it, too. Oh, they're gonna go Yeah, that's actually that's actually I've seen some kickback from it. So that's a smart idea. I think a couple episodes ago or whenever Christmas or Christmas? October. Good god whenever Halloween was a couple of weeks ago. I think we I mentioned that I only had to I literally only had to trick or treaters come knocking on my door. So I got really I got a bowl full of candy that I've been slowly snacking on which I should not be. And it sucks but that's it man. We didn't get shit here. Yeah, this is wild. Waves like have kids. So I ran out of like freakin flyers. I ran out of everything. So she got your promo. Oh, yeah, definitely already been seen a couple kickbacks from it and stuff like that. So it's really good. Yeah, brings in brings in some flow to the shop. Very nice. So how's the how's the business been doing though? Like, it's good. Now that you got the new shop opened up and stuff. It's, it's good. It's going a lot better. You know, I mean, it's still that slow times of building and stuff like that. But we're definitely seeing repeats and kickbacks from you know, like different promotion deals and stuff like that. So it's been getting, it's getting been getting a lot better. Good. Good. So now listen, I know you listen to the episode since you've been here. We've had a few folks that you know that come through, of course, and you know, I know you listened to the episode with Mr. Mark Powell. Tucker. And he was giving you a hard fucking time because you know, actually we both were giving you a hard time because how often you in the Wi Fi move and how we've always had to come in and put our backs to the test and carry shit around and and he mentioned there's a time where you had his ass that's and move him up to three flights of stairs What the fuck is up with that dude, that's that's just one of them. You know what I mean? Like, that's the I would I would have to say mark is like one of those you know, true buddies that no matter what you do, and I got a few of them don't get me wrong but no matter what situation and no matter what is it you're doing that you know what I mean? He's got your back no matter what even if it is going up fucking three flights of stairs. But that is a dick move. Well, to be honest, the third floor of an apartment to be honest, he knew he knew like I wouldn't. But he you know he sucked it up and said you know he's like fucking sucked up something. Oh, no, no. That was your payment there buddy though. No, I had a I had a few people helped me on on my moving days but yeah, I was wonderful. Yeah, he I gave up after a while, like I'm done my next move will I'm definitely going to try to make it to be a house, or that's a good goal to have. Yeah, to the house stuff. Even though interest rates are slightly going up, but you know, still it's still it's going back to normal rates. Right. So definitely wait for the prices drop high. No, no, you know too much when I see it, so I'm okay. So let me ask you something. And this is kind of what we are going to have. If this dog if you don't leave me alone right now my dog is like needy as hell right now. The discussion we're gonna have today and figure to be a good one is, especially that you been in a long term relationship marriage now for quite some time. Do you ever find yourself and look back at things you used to do? Back when you first were dating, that you no longer do anymore? Like, when you first were dating, like what were you doing to impress? You know? And also, then you no longer do it? What's the first thing that comes into mind? What did you do back then that you don't do anymore? I'm like, opening the doors and or, well, that one's that one's a difference. Or the opening the doors thing, man, I never really did it. Because for one we live in Florida. And people would end up disagreeing with this shit, because modern technology on vehicles now. But it's not gonna do anything because the doors are open to it. So for these cars can actually start Okay, themselves by a button. We had the cars to where you had to, you know, get in the car, it was fucking super high, it took a long time for the AC to run, and get in and get the car cool. Well, I never opened the door really for a girl. Only because, look, if I opened the door for you. And I let you in the car and the car is at 120 degrees. I still have to walk all the way around to the other side just to get in my side and turn the car. Turn the car on for you put the AC on. By the time I do that you're already probably starting to drip and sweat. So I'm gonna have the so your library hold off. So you think that you were being the gentleman for not opening door because you wanted to make sure the car was cool before she got exactly yeah. Oh my god bullshit on that one. But now, now, modern technology has taken it over to where you can actually start your car with the remote in your hands. So now all you have to do is unlock it and put her in the car. So yes, now I've been put in that position. And I just recently did that. And she looked at me like what the fuck is wrong with you? You just opened my door. I'm like, see, sometimes sugary is not dead. But I'm still it's actually interesting. I wonder with all the technology that we have now with these vehicles. Why haven't I seen a remote door opener like that where you can automatically spring open a door and never have to worry about the door? I mean, we have the buttons where the trunk can open up. So obviously there's something there but why not the door? I don't know. One day. One of the other ones. Remember greenies Yeah. Even though even those are still manual doors you got to open pretty sure they got him somewhere. Yeah, that's not available to us modern day people. So that's one of your items. Is there anything else that you could think of that you used to do back in the day that you so we got opening a door? I'd say we don't go out to eat as much who's cooking because I know both y'all probably don't cook that much. Well, I don't know know to be honest. She's she actually is the cook in the house now because you know when I cook everybody doesn't like the ingredients I use or what I end up cooking or maybe it just doesn't come out good. So that's why you go to mom's house a lot. I just I just eat whatever she cooks whatever she cooks I just eat it doesn't matter. So she's cooking more interesting. Oh, yeah. She couldn't cook Thanksgiving dinner this year. What us? You gotta remember she cooked last year and we all ate it. You right she did cook last year. Okay, I'll give her her props. It was it was actually rather tasty. I'll give her that one. Yeah, hopefully she don't listen to this and actually take you know get a big to give her props on that but she did really good. But no, like, as far as you know, just going out wise you know, like eating somewhere. We don't go out no more like that. Obviously we got the kids so that trip to McDonald's is like fucking $40 Dude, any place you go right now I can go by myself to walk ons. Order my typical buffalo chicken wrap, Caesar salad and a beer. And I'm already almost at $40. Oh, yeah, just by myself like, before they used to be a good price going to Outback Steakhouse for you in a day. Now. Outback Steakhouse is already running. It's an 80 bucks. 70 bucks for two people like what the fuck is happening here? Yeah. But after that happens, I tend to, you know, think about start calculating. Okay, well, it's gonna take me this, I cut this many heads in order to move this out. Anybody would do an hourly job, man, I have to work three hours in order to freaking you know, buy this meal. So instead of back in a day where you like, Okay, if I stopped drinking now, I'll get this many hours of sleep before I gotta get up and go to work. Now you're like, I gotta cut this many hills to be able to pay for this dinner that? Yes. There were a couple nights where I didn't get no sleep and I went to work. Those are the those are the days now. I definitely don't do that. No more hell and there'll be masses in bed by nine o'clock and I'm falling asleep by 11 at the latest. So listen, the other night it was 815 or something. Even though the we just got through the whole daylight savings or whatever. And it was 815 on the clock. I'm like, Holy fuck, I am tired. Why am I yawning right now. And granted, I've been doing all this work right now here on the floors, which has got me super tired and exhausted. But still, I was like, It's 815 Oh, but in all reality, it was still like 915 Still was like the fact that I'm super exhausted. Like, I can't believe how old I am Fiddler right now that I'm trying to possibly go to bed by 830 that is for real old man. I did it. I stayed in the couch. I forced myself to stay up a little bit longer until I you know, finally started passing. But what about? What about sexually? Do you find yourself that you don't do anything sexually any more that you did back in the day? I'd have to say yeah, we you know, I mean, like, I don't want to say we came a little bit more conservative on and we just kind of keep that in the room. So but you know, I mean, there's like, I can't really say we do it in different places like cars and shit anymore. So just keep it in the bedroom. Keep it very Yeah. Jane. Yeah, that way you got a towel to wipe off with every time you're done. It's right in hand. It's why you keep that's why you keep one of those rags or anything cleaned that you would typically see in your car you keep it in your car I try to but I don't want no armor on but they make it a little squeaky you know, make a little extra lubrication ya know, you know, I mean, like, I used to, you know, didn't mind doing any cars and you know, while driving, like I said in previous episodes and stuff like that and try to fool around, you know, movie theaters, stuff like that. I don't even do that anymore. Sir. So it sounds like you need to go visit Oh, my sponsors. Being cheery.com Adam and eve.com and wild secrets.com Saturday where they will? Yes, some sponsors that are the adult stores. You could find yourself any toys you need to help spice up your sex life because it sounds like you just weren't very old school. We definitely keep it that way. Just just for the hell of it. Just for the hell of it. Yeah, like we you know, I mean, we're, I guess we're kind of just boring in that kind of in that type of way. Like nothing crazy. You've gotten old. So I know for a fact. You know, I tend to notice that I'll do the crazy shit in the beginning. Like I'm going to be Oh, yeah, she you know, I want to you know, go out to constant fun theme parks restaurants all the time in the beginning and then after a while it kind of adds away and yeah, so he's like, Alright, I'm gonna start fading out some of these things. We're just going to just chill possibly hear tonight. Maybe we'll go to local restaurant may or will now the whole convenience of DoorDash I still I have tried to make sure I keep opening the door. But I think I'm with you. It's not that because the cars hot or anything like that. But alright, so wintertime, you want to hear about the wintertime? Get the seats warm? Well, no, I you know what I mean? I don't like in a wintertime. Like it's super cold in there too. And like at that time, it's cold outside and it's cold inside. I say you know, it's like a race. Let's just try to rush in the car real quick and turn the heat on. Okay, rather than standing out in his cold when, like both of us raise our ASOF like, it's 5050 Wow, okay, what about conversations, you know, when we start out dating somebody, we're used to just being on the phone with them constantly, right? But what if back in the day before cell phones you had to talk to that person right now the only way you're going to communicate now It's just cell phones and texting. So do you feel that you still call your wife on a regular basis? Or do you feel like you just text her more and just, you know, have your conversations via text, um, we kind of we kind of do a little bit of all three of them there. Sorry, meaning FaceTiming as well. So FaceTiming I forget, I always forget about the FaceTime and I'm starting to do more FaceTime and I do forget that. Yeah. Like when I'm at work. You know, I typically tell her, Hey, if I'm at work, I don't pick up your call. You know what I mean? It's because I'm busy. That's because I'm cutting hair. We'll call each other I'll call her every day after I get out of work. Hey, I'm just getting out. I'm on my way home. Alright, cool. Shit. Now. Now in days, though. You don't respond to that six, or that call? Female is gonna be like, What the fuck were you at? What are you doing? Why haven't I heard you? Do you like me anymore? What's the problem? You know? I think there's a I think there's definitely it's her name. So she cheats you. Well, do you know? If she did what you now bitch tell me. Yeah, like, yeah, that definitely does come about but right. Now I'd like you know, when something like that happens. We're kind of like, we joke around with each other. Sometimes every once in a while sometimes, you know, we kind of might say in a little bit of a harsher way. But yeah, that was that was a harsher way. Like, like, Bitch, I'm trying to ask you a question. Like, like, oh, no, what? You not, I mean, just to kind of make it sound like a question. But it's kind of joking in a joking way, but in a serious way, as well. So that way, you can kind of get to the point that you're trying to find out. And then also, you just make a joke about it anyways. But no, we just kind of, like, we like we'll call each other. I call her make sure she gets to work, because she deals with a lot of traffic. And then throughout the rest of the day, we won't, we won't call or text each other, we will text each other, but we won't FaceTime or call. And then when it comes to about lunchtime, that's when you typically FaceTime each other. And then after work, I call her let her know I'm on the way home see what she's cooked for dinner if she's not cooking, you know, I mean, I might just stop something grabbed something for me to eat, I guess. But yeah, that's kind of like, so conversation wise, I'd have to say, I talked to her every single day, like, non stop. If not, we're sending. We're sending you each other tic TOCs now like there's there's a common law if I'm not responding to you, if you send me a tic tock like not like it's just like a mean her thing. Alright, so you so you so you do the still do both conversation on the phone and text and so it's not like you don't do it? No more. Yeah. All right. Yeah, me personally. I read the I read the detects and like, oh, yeah, my phone rings and like, ah, but even if somebody I'm dating, I'm still like, Okay, let me answer this. But I've gotten better. I've answered the phone more regularly. But I know again, it's just the times I just feel like, I'd rather just text Yeah, but sometimes you sometimes you end up getting to, you know, when you pick up that phone, you know, sometimes like, you might be in a shitty mood, but obviously, their voice, you know, helps you to were like, Alright, cool. Well, I'm at ease a little bit because you talk to me, but sometimes you like, shut the fuck up. I don't want to talk to you right now. Right? I couldn't say I've actually hung up on my wife quite a bit. But there's been some exes that and, you know, the crazy ones that I've dated that I hang up on? There is no photography. So what about compliments? I know, in the beginning, we you know, to say the right things were saying everything we could possibly do to attract that girl like, like, Ooh, he's just hitting all the right spots. He's saying everything right? Yeah, I'm hooking up with this dude. Do you find yourself where? You know, you were saying some things before? Like, baby, you are beautiful and blah, blah. You are just everything to me? Do you find yourself not saying those type of things anymore? Or do you still try to keep yourself? Um, I would say I still try to keep myself you know, doing that kind of stuff. It's it's not just through words as well. It's through a weird way to compliment somebody is like, you might be doing this or you might be wearing this and I'm staring the hill at you. If she walks around in some leggings. You know, I mean, I'm fucking I'm checking her out all the time. I don't give a shit. That's that's like me like damn, I'm sad. I'm telling you. I'm still attracted to you. So it's a compliment. You know what I mean? As far as you know, if she's doing something, yeah, I'll tell her Hey, I'm like, Yeah, I can tell like she's told me she's been working out and stuff like that. And I can tell the difference. I'm like, Yeah, that's just looking juicy. See, you know, so I tried to joke around with her at same time, but it's still a compliment because I still, you know, appreciate that you know, she's kind of doing this along with me for like workout stuff too. But we're not doing it together because she's working on it. Yeah she's she's working out from the house. Oh, so which is pretty cool yeah her she's becoming a domesticated she Yeah, she's working out she's actually cook in she she's cleaning the house now to write keeping the house maintain. Yeah, definitely. You go sister. And I'm like, Oh, who are you? Like, once once we move away, but is she doing it to up her portfolio for someone else like, Oh, if she were I whatever. Like, we both we both kind of came to that agreement. Like if we if we decided to leave each other it's like, by we're not gonna have her feelings. Whatever it is, you say that now like, obviously, we'd still we'd end up hurt and say that the same thing, like for instance, she had to go to she had to go to my brother in law's house to go pick up my other son's jacket not too long ago. And I was just laying in the bed. And typically at a set time where we lay in the bed, and I'm like, Oh, shit, don't get me wrong. I was Hi. Wait, she's not here. She wasn't there. But at the same time, like I was laying down on my user position that I'm like, normally on my stomach, and I'm looking at my phone. While she's like laying in bed. I kept thinking that she was beside me in the bed when she was really over there. completely opposite. Yeah, I was like, damn, this is this feels kind of weird. Like she's not here. But I still think she's here. So I was comfortable. So it definitely would hit a certain level to where like, if we did split to where, like, Damn, she's no longer here. I don't feel the same way. So I can see do I mean that that would hurt. But in the same time, time goes on and Time heals. And you'll get over it. Yeah, gotten over so many other ones. So you just got to set yourself a pace to get over them. What about date nights? Do you still do date nights? date nights, like continuously? Or is it just like a once a month thing? How often are you doing date nights? We'll try to get at least do something. At least once a month? If not, we'll try to do a little once a month. Oh, yeah. We'll try to if not, we'll try to do a little bit more. You know what I mean? We'll we'll end up saying, you know, hey, let's the kids can go over here or they're old enough now to stay at the house. Then my little one. She goes my she goes a mom's. But then ya know, we've gone out for my birthday. We're gonna do something for her birthday. You know? So we still go on dates. But you got to make sure that you know what I mean? We still keep that going. Go nice. alone time together. So squeaky squeaky. That to me, if you're not doing the gar that what do you got? What do you get back home? So once that happened, you know, sometimes, you know sometimes it's just like any other relationship, but sometimes you get back and you're both fucking tired. You just want to go to sleep. Sometimes you both feel get a little tipsy, you know, while you're at the restaurant, and then that's when you get it in. So not at the restaurant, but not at the restaurant. There are there are some, you know, some times where you know, a foot might reach across underneath the table and you know, it might hit you dig a couple times. Oh, it's gonna accidentally hit Yeah, you know, call it accidentally, you know? I mean, she's stretching pretty far to get up to that. I still works for me. I don't want to do it. Well, okay. All right. So here's what I'm gonna do. I haven't done this in a while we have actually we haven't done any of the games in a little bit. And I want to switch it up here. The five second game. I don't know if you did this one yet. This one last time. So I read. I'm gonna read something out. And then we'll get back to a different conversation here. But I'm gonna read something out. And you got five seconds to give me at least three things from whatever I read. All right, that's a little that's a little bit short of a time there but it's gotta be signed. You gotta be. You gotta be quick on your toes here. Alright, so let me know when you're ready. Go ahead. All right, name three places to where piercings your ears your nose, your tongue, ears nose and tongue all right, I will just say Gucci I'm going with the ones that I know I've had and that I've seen I've had a tongue ring I have my tongue pierced before I got my ears pierced and I've seen the nose ring as plump plenty women give me a Give me three things that get stuck in your teeth. Food man you you're I don't I don't know on that one man. It's a little bit difficult on that one. I would say food just gets stuck in your teeth really? Don't know anything else. You got poop huge. That ain't gotta worry about that shit. Because you're not doing it or because it just goes now like is it Wait, yeah, no, there's nothing there. So I'm not worried about any of, you know, everybody dated before, you know, I knew there was like too much grass on the field, you know, I mean, I wasn't trying to bury my face you know, the good old times, you know, at least at least it wasn't the 70s in the late 80s where it was still oh my god fucking woolly mammoth into you know, if you listened to the episode when I had Nancy on talking about the good old days where everything got hurt, or something like that. Yeah, and that was very popular episode. My name is Nancy has a lot of fans on that way. I got some folks that actually want me to invite her back. We're trying we're trying to we're trying to get Nancy back on we're trying to figure out the schedule but she's a she's a hard working woman still so we'll get her back off. Give me a Give me three TV shows that need more sex that need more sex? Yes. Grey's Anatomy we'll put a pause now I thought Grey's Anatomy was basically built on lists. If you're saying if you're saying a show that needs more sex it's Grey's Anatomy. Game of Thrones and Vikings Game of Thrones had enough sex well I'm just saying like if you want to add more to him why not? Okay you know we'll collegiate kid Yeah. You know, she actually requested to not have any more sex scenes after like the Oh yeah, so yeah, well, can you just imagine like oh my gosh, you right? Yeah, it would have been great. See more. I know Vikings. I never watched Viking it was a good one too is if you'd like it'd be like Game of Thrones you like Vikings. Now? Is the they have the spin off? Is it Valhalla or whatever about the thing? There's a spin off of that Valhalla I think it's a net? I don't know. I haven't I haven't after Vikings. I just kind of stop watching. Don't be disappointed. Have you started watching the new No Game of Thrones? We'll know how Dragon house a dragon. No, I haven't I haven't watched that. I was waiting for it to completely finish so that way I can just enjoy the binge watch it Yeah, I am not I can't do the waiting a week anymore. I have to wait to it's I can completely binge watch it you know like it used to be back in the day but Yeah, cuz you kind of got to see shows like that because you kind of can't sit there and say Full House family matters. And you know Tim the tool man Taylor, you know that he can't have sex and why not? See him those. Those are back in today. Family Matters for real man go ahead and drill her down. Yeah. Oh, you know, and in his shop. Okay, give me three places that tingle. Three places that tingle Give me three things that places that tingling in my tongue my fingers in my head? I'm a penis. I don't know. I don't know a third one. If you have if your dick is tingling Do you get it wrong? I mean you got a ring on your dick because of vibration the vibration sensation what waited me and we have our ring like a Cochran Yeah, it's not on the head of your dick dude. The cock rings your base or your dick and around your balls? Well I just found a new area to put it you've had the cock ring just at the tip of your head. Oh man. I haven't had I haven't had it there but I need to go and watch some porn learn some you're actually I we just recorded this episode that's going to drop the episode that's before this one actually will say that mentioned that you should go watch porn to learn how to use your certain sex toys. How's the scene the meanness as you watch too much porn and makes you dis figured I guess I can't really say the other word because you know offensive any nowadays. The mean end up saying if you watch too much porn it makes you it makes you retarded Yeah, and then also on the guy's like I don't know if he's I haven't Oh, man. You got to look up the mean. But you might have also messed that up too. You know? Because you would understand it okay the fact that you just said you had the conquering at the end how was it even working for you then because it's supposed to be at the base making use of suppose your erection is supposed to last longer. So your job is not You're not inserting it into the wife because no no so you just leaving it on leave it there and you leave the tip and let it vibrate. Fuck that is it. Like what the hell is negative vibrate the little battery that's on the ring? I have no idea which toy you are talking about vs right now pick up. Pharmacy. Yeah, bro. You can pick up one of them brings and it has it comes with it it's disposable you put it on there and it just fucking it you just hit the button it fucking turns on and you just go to town you just leave the bitch on there and not have you know and we just mentioned do not buy any sex toys from like places like Amazon and stuff because of products and how things are made and you're over here buy and ship from CVS Hey, where you get your pharmacies and your your condoms there and your plan B pills or whatever pregnancy tests they're gonna pick up this ring at the same time. They got lubrication and everything. Ah, you know, I'm gonna go look for it. It's not just it's in the same damn aisle. Oh, yeah, I'm gonna go look for this and see exactly what I'm not saying I'm gonna buy it but I'm just gonna see what I have to forewarn you that shit. It can it can start hurting because like it's it gets super fucking tight, like a fucking Band Aid. Like, or like a rubber band. When you keep taut running, you know, putting it around and around your finger. It starts like, oh, shit is too tight. That happens. Well, I mean, I bought a set of rings. They're all of various sizes, none of them vibrate. But the whole point of them is to suppose to extend the the erection time, which I've never even used. I bought them. I don't ever even use them. I've like tested them in the shower, just to see how they fit. Yeah, maybe I'm using the all these toys that I've used before. Maybe I'm using them fucking wrong. That's why nobody wants to use them anymore. Listen, I don't know. I told you. You can go to my sponsor site now. And actually, because a lot of them actually do have some instructional videos to kind of show you. Or like I said, just go to Pornhub I definitely keep seeing a lot of these things now though. Coming up. I guess it's more. It's more acceptable. It is more acceptable. There's no talking. There's nothing taboo about sex. Sex is sex. It's healthy. It's worried. It's healthy to talk about things. Clears the sinuses for extra headaches and helps you go to sleep to at night. Yes. Oh, yeah, definitely does. Sex it's what's for dinner. What's what's funny is before it before we do go on, I had like a quick topic I wanted to tell you about Yeah, I actually. Actually this includes mark. Back in the day. He's kind of sketchy. No, no, no, because, you know, he was wondering if you ever did anything in friends or seen anything in front of friends. I think it was something like that. Okay, I'm gonna tell you right now this man sat there in my when I had a truck and he sat in the passenger side as I was getting some head as I was driving. So my boy was there. He was there through thick and thin right there. Like he was like, he was just sitting there just staring out the window. And all y'all three were in the front seat. Yeah, yeah. I didn't give a damn. Or apparently he needed to destroy it. She didn't. She was okay with it. I was like, Hey, I don't mind if you don't mind, bro. You should at least get a little action you a little No, no little finger in there. I mean, shit. Not at all. Ain't no fun. If your homies can't have that's just kind of rude on your part. Now, whatever. When I'm one of those guys that like if it's like, if it's mine, like, nobody's getting that like he's mine for the for the time being now if it's after the relationship, whatever, like so your depends on who it is. And you know, like, Hey, she's off limits. Hey, she's not off limits. Like is that DL? So you wouldn't do the three subs. If it was your girl, your girl said a sub three sub if she was just like a side OC like like, you know, like a one night type. Stan? I cool. Well, that's different. I'm talking about if you had a relationship though. No, no, absolutely not. She said I want to bring another girl in. No, because that brings jealousy and in other thoughts to someone's head. I don't really have to want to do respectable, respectable. Now if I were to be, you know, a single man I could or whatever you know, now, I'm not going to be looking for a relationship. I'm just gonna be looking for fun. That's it? Yeah. That's that would be where I'd be at. Because I already had relationship, long term relationships. I've already been married. I'm already married. So I wouldn't want to have to deal with the stuff again. I just want to have fun. I gotcha. So check this out. We're gonna circle back to part of the original conversation of things that we used to do, and that she can no longer do. The one that I thought of was going to the restroom taking a shit in the beginning of relationship. You're very self courteous or very courteous to me. You want to make sure you go into another room before he Oh yeah, before he farted before you fart or you know You know, she's not around if we got taken massive, or whatever, yeah, you know, now, do you still do the courtesy or do you know or do day like, Hey, I gotta take a shit. let one rip right now. I've, I've, I've already established that in the very beginning of this I went, I went about this my relationship now I went about this all totally different. I went, like doing all the wrong shape. Exactly. I said, You know what, this is who I am. So either you like it, you stay with me? If not, they there's a door. Like, it's plain and simple. So as soon as we started calling it relationship, I was already forgotten. I was already late. I was like, Alright, I gotta go to shit. Before I didn't do that. And to this day, it's like, you know, like, that's, that's, that's the main portion. If I'm not doing this in front of you, like is there's a problem like, yeah, I might like you, but it ain't gonna go anywhere. Unless I gotta feel comfortable. I know. Sometimes it takes that time to build up but no, I did it. First thing and we've been together since so. Have you ever let one rip on our first date? Not on a first date? No, no, no. Just I'm just shows you exactly. Like, like, like maybe like if you need to, but that's when you're walking up to the car and and that's when you open the door for him. So that way you can take your time to kind of let that out and air out as you walk into your door. Yeah, like that's when you kind of let you know when I'm silent but deadlies just let that go at that time but now and try blaming or hurt my damn girl. You just kind of like you know, I don't know shake it off or something and or, you know, grab the back of your pants and try to win that bid out real quick for you in the car. Yeah, you still gonna linger though? It's it just does it. Just go. And that's when you just drop your keys on the floor. You gotta be quick thinking about how fast it can go. Oh, what else what Okay? Give me three people. You never want to see naked three people I want to see naked. Know that. You never want to see naked for one. I don't want to see my mother naked. cricketer, man. Was that to my grandmother? For three? I don't I don't know. I'd say Mimi from Drew Carey. That'd be a disgusting thing. Mimi from Drew Carey. You know, the lady looks like a clown. She got all the makeup on her face. Oh, yeah. I don't want to see that. Megan. I'm at Roseanne. And to that, too, when? Nobody wants to see. All right. How about Oprah too? Damn, man. I know. I can keep going. Oh, Oprah. Oprah, you know depends on what phase she's in her life. You know? I remember not that. That's a I'd rather see Angelina Jolie. That's a but you gotta remember Oprah Winfrey. That's a billion dollar pussy right there. I'll give it to him. A billion dollars does line. A billion dollars you go ahead and get naked from Yo, bro. Go. Yeah, I don't care. God dammit. I should pay me money. Okay, but you don't have to get paid. If you're in the presence and then everything's paid for and catered for you. But you want to walk around? Right? Let's just take Uber off to sit down. Okay. I'll just say you just never you never know. All right. Let's take a look here. Let's switch this up. What's the grossest thing you remember doing as a kid? the grossest thing I remember doing as a kid I'd say dipping. I dipped when I was a kid. And that was the nastiest thing ever. When the hell did you do was Iran what was already gone by this point? I'm gonna read Devon. Yeah, no, this is when this I think you know, I think you weren't. I think no, you were out in the military. I think yeah, I started dipping. I didn't know this. DO WHAT THE FUCK YEAH. I tried it. And like I always looked at dip as far as like little ants like climbed up into a little can and then like, I tried it and it just got everywhere my mouth and I just threw up and I was the nastiest shit ever. Until I started Yes. Did you get did you get? I did I got a little sick. I never dipped again after that. But I didn't let me let me rephrase it. I didn't dip again for a while a long time couple years, because then these guys got me onto pouches. So there was a little wintergreen little pouches that you put in your mouth, so he didn't make a mess on your mouth with it. I did that for a little bit. Maybe like, you know, a week or two and I was like, This is gross. And so I just stopped doing it. So if you didn't see I didn't know you did that. Interesting. I would have thought if you dipped in you knew that she was nasty. Well all started smoking after a while too. So wouldn't that have prevented you from I actually He actually started smoking before dipping. And then since all my friends are pretty much doing the show, I was like, fuck it let me try. So I tried it didn't like it didn't do anymore. And I was like, I'm not gonna have my friends like, say, Oh, well you know they didn't like that I didn't do it. I don't give a damn Have you ever thrown up on anybody? I think so. I mean, if he was on friends dip, I mean, I know that make you want to throw up? Yeah, but I don't think my throwing up throw up on somebody. Yeah, no, I don't think my throwing up experiences was because it dipping I think it was more because of drinking. I know my buddy. I believe I threw up on my buddy will. And I think yeah, well, you are well, let's just go ahead and you know, put it out there. You're not the biggest drinker. So you have a few drinks in your guns. One One thing we've discussed that before when you first came on the show, yeah, how much of a lightweight you are. Yeah. And it still hasn't changed? Because I don't you know, I don't drink like that. So we're just gonna move which is fine. Yes. Good. Just means my bill will be cheaper when I go to you know, somewhere else. Well, unless you go get other items of food, you know, I'll drink and I just don't eat. So see, like, I'd rather I'd rather mess up the other scents. And I'd still be okay, because it only lasts for a little bit when you when you drink and you get a hangover man. Not saying you have to drink to get a hangover. But the typical. The Hangover hits you in the morning and you feel like shit the next day? Yeah, well, I don't. I don't drink to get drunk anymore to have a hangover. Yeah, no, I get a lie. When I did go see Clint, up there in Starkville, Mississippi. Yeah. The first day. He had me know. He had me doing shots and drinks and beer and we just mixed it all. Just I was feeling like shit that that next day, I could not kick that handle, right? It's yeah, it took me till about two o'clock, I want to say three o'clock before I started actually feeling okay to even move around. And yet this guy just bounces back from everything. Like, I couldn't do a damn day. Now. I don't see how I mean, we're in our 40s and I and I just don't see how he could still have this liver that kicks like this. Me. I'm like, I'm done. And my liver cannot handle drinking like this or not it not even just that there's my liver. It's my body. My body's like, Dude, we can't drink and say, well, we're not. We're not in our late 20s, early 30s where we can just party up and just, ya know, go all day. I think it only really lasts. I mean, like till I was like maybe in my mid 20s to where I was just like I'm done. But I stopped. But as far as going back to throwing up with somebody, I don't think I've ever thrown up on anybody. I've know I've had projectile vomit before. At least to two or three times that I can remember. One incident being St. Patty's Day up there in Alexandria, Virginia, I was completely just Gonzo, and trying to get to the restroom, but I was rushing through the bar or whatever wherever we ended up the Fish City Market or some shit somehow I ended up someplace I don't even know how I even got there to the third fourth floor when everything was on the first and second floor. Yeah, but I found that I found a bathroom and next year what by time I got to the sky just had that throw up just going everywhere it yeah, those days. Those days are long gone behind me but man that is one that I remember that the poor stole like all that like sometimes you go into stalls and you see shit everywhere. Just no just say I can and that gets me thinking that God Yeah, somebody must have had just some explosive fucking diarrhea that they couldn't make it to the tool and it's on my tongue they pull their pants that shit was just spray and that's how I can visualize to shake it and all the wall because I've seen it for my book. Yeah, this shit get on the sidewalls the back walls is disgusting, but like how but it gets me thinking like okay, projectile vomit you coming in your hole just you know you're trying to get to it and your hole just explodes with vomit. So I think the last time I can remember throwing up is my bachelor party with you guys on the casino cruise boat where like I was I had to go to bathroom and throw up that I remembered I don't remember how long I was in there for but I know it was disgusting. And that was the nastiest place ever. Thought I ever thrown up at throwing up sucks. It sucks. Craig because you feel like you just want to die like why did I just do this? Why do I have Some people don't. They can puke and rally just let's go. Let's get her done. Yeah, that's my done point. I'm done. I know what to stop. I'm like I'm completely done. Not notice it. Yeah, no, I get I get it. No, I definitely know my points. Not like especially I would drink if I knew like, all right, Phil on the bus. I don't need a drink anymore. Let me go ahead and get some water to this extent so that way. I am not feeling like shit in the morning. Yeah, so that's one thing. I don't like them. Have you ever? Have you ever shipped a porta Potti though? No. You've never shipped it into porta Potti No, ever, but I can tell you this right now. That I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one this has happened to Okay, I'm going into a porta potty thinking the urinal was supposed to be a sink and like where to fix the sink. Like, where's the fucking soap so I can wash my hands? How the hell does this bits work? Like, I never knew the Porta Potti had a urinal? Yeah. And well, most of them do. There's been a few that did not have right back. But most of them now they do have it's usually to the left. Yeah, so now I'm like, I go to think about it. And when I find out this is a fucking urinal. I'm like, You telling me I try to wash my hands and one of these for like, and I know I'm not the only one that has done it. Because I've been told by other people other guys that Yeah, I thought it was a sink to like, what do I mean most I mean, you didn't see like a little thing you could stop for some water for fresh water type deal. You know, it's it's outside. And you know, when you're trying to if you think about it, every man or woman that's walked out of these fucking urinals has touched their you know, vaginas and penises. And then they go to open up the door. So not only was it just your hand touching that there were it was every other person's hand and then you go outside and wash your hands. But it's just it's just knowing that everybody did so now I don't do that. Well some people grab it with their shirt. I just some people grab it with their feet open a door. I'll kick that bitch open. I'll hit it with my ass. So people just bump it over the fact that he thought that you're no I don't feel so bad. If they're, I mean granted granted, there's a little tunnel that will just feed out the urine feeds out into the the actual storage unit that portapotty Yeah, but if it was backed up, and there was water or hiss in there, would you have stuck your hands in your possibly to think that it was washable water? Oh, no. Yeah, no, no, I didn't do that. Because I was like, oh, because you before they had some times they had the little hand hand disinfected things in the urinals. So they'd have that right next to the urinal. So you're thinking okay, well, where the hell is the water going to be coming out of I'm not putting my hands in here. I'm just gonna use this shit right here. Yeah, I mean most of them did. But now a lot of like you said a lot of them actually have the the communal type things we could come up with, especially like larger events or whatever. So yeah, get in and get out and go to this thing where people can wash your hands. There's just like five heads or whatever. Yeah, you know, wash your hands and stuff so All right, so we're gonna go ahead and get ready to wrap things up sir. Go ahead and plug out your your social so that way folks can check out follow you and stuff and go ahead and promote your barber shop there sir. Give it a shot. Give it a go. Sweet. So I'm definitely on Instagram. You can find me at MIG lo 82 You can find me under Lakeland barber company North that's how you can book appointments with me on in North Lakeland. As far as social media online, you'll see you end up finding me at low the barber I met low at Lakeland barber company. You can find me on there as well. I do got a tiki Toki but I kind of leave it on the low. You don't do the dances, you don't do anything. You know I just kind of leave that one to where like it's like a platform to kind of make my videos for haircuts and my workout stuff so I just kind of leave it on the low. But ya know, that's the only socials I got there. All right. And guys, as always, you can find us on Instagram and Facebook, whiskey and uncensored. We have whiskey and uncensored.com where we have all the episodes all the back episodes catalog if you want to search there, of course you could also get them on Apple Spotify, Pandora anyplace you could possibly find us streaming we will be there. Also check out our sponsors. We have five of them guys. Pink cherry.com Wild secrets.com Adam and eve.com fox racing and barbell apparel guys make sure you check them out we are getting into the holiday season get yourself some of the naughty gifts maybe get you some racing gear some for any you guys that are into motor racing mountain bike racing all that good stuff and the barbell pair of course if you're into fitness and you enjoy looking good in the gym look good while you get your ass looking good. Oh but if you want to check out my my Instagram Fit Page it's perfect for your time was reminded me of that right there are sorry, sir, that would make me asshole. With that being said, we hope you enjoyed the episode go ahead and rate and review us on any of those social platforms. As always enjoy your life. Keep drinking your whiskies and we are out

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